How to embrace your wholeness as a state of being

A half hour audio exploration on what it means to be whole, how we got to be who we believe we are, and how we can transform into our magnificent authentic selves!

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    Stela Murrizi

    Guardian of the Vision of the WEl-Systems® Institute | Certified CODE Model™ Coach | Personal transformation expert

    Who am I?

    In my 18-year long healing journey I noticed that so many intelligent women awake to their invasive self-destructive tendencies (like me!) could not find a way to heal their pain, no matter how hard they tried or how well-informed they were.

    So, because this is what connected all the dots for me, I began offering Signature WEL-Systems® based experiences to help women transform their relationship with themselves and in the process discover an alternative way to live that compels them to create the magnificent, magical and meaningful lives they are born to live!

    What will you learn?

    • What is wholeness and what makes it our birthright?
    • What are the culturally conditioend beliefs we have internalized as real that keep us captive to a belief system that no longer serves?
    • What is an altenrative process to consider when transformation is beckoning?
    • What does it take to transform how we relate to ourselves?